
Thank God!

hari ini pembagian report lho. and to my surprise, I got the 2nd place. And that's the 1st time I'm on the 2nd place. my best is the 3rd so far :) Am hoping for the better place next year, my final, senior year. Wish I can get a great university to continue my study.

Joyeux Anniversaire sisil!

me, and my friends were having a fabulous wednesday, celebrating sisil's birthday. And there was joey too, my classmate who are planning to move to philippines. So sisil treat us the lunch and Joey treat us to watch Sex and the City but only half price of the ticket. It was fun and FYI wiena's food smelled so bad just like a corpse. hihi. of course the restaurant (Solaria) made another food for her to change the smelly one ;)

The Karate Kid

Starring : Jackie Chan
Jaden Smith
Taraji P. Henson
Wenwen Han
Zhenwei Wang

Director : Harald Zwart

At first, it was kinda boring and have no feel. in the middle the conflict was built quiet intense. and at the end, there they are. the breathtaking and hilarious ending. For Jackie Chan, I suggest him to take another kind of movie because I started to feel bored in the middle. Overall : 5 out of 10.


Who are you?

Who are you? When you say it in front of the mirror towards yourself, has it ever crossed your mind about questioning your real identity? Me myself always do that not only in front a mirror but at all time, especially when I'm alone. I just don't know have I struggled hard enough to explore everything I've got simply because I feel nothing lately. Have you come to that point? To feel that there's no life anymore in your soul. You might look happy and healthy and everything seems to be just fine, but in fact, deep down in the bottom of your heart, you feel dead. So, any advice for me to keep up my life?


gonna miss you, XI IPA 1 mzr 23

yes, my friends! weeks of hell has come to an end. but life will never be imbalanced. when there's an end, there must be, also, a farewell. So there'll be a new class. Wish I can enjoy it, the senior year. Although I have to admit that my junior year feels more warm and lovely, but this middle year also have its own mean to me. Hope in the future, we'll still remember each other, that once we've been together in a class. The pretty, the weirdo, the smelly-garbage, the-one-who-always-got-blamed, the melancholic, the genius, the quiet, the arty, the 'tijer', the-teachers'-children, the poker club, the chess group, the gossip girls, the 'paskibras', the mathemathic freak, the real freak, the religious and many other the ---------.

XI IPA 1. MZR 23
  1. Abdu Khoiri Rozikin
  2. Aditya Pratama Niagara
  3. Aisyah Nur Rahmah Fitriani
  4. Alfred Albert
  5. Anisa Nabila
  6. Ari Nursam Hadi
  7. Awwaliyah Nasyiah
  8. Ayuthia Alsya Haztina
  9. Bimo Haryotejo
  10. Carissa Irena Puspa Dewi
  11. Cici Sintiawati
  12. Dea Amanta Azaria
  13. Fathin Safirah Sumarsono
  14. Giovanni Nian Gani
  15. Greenaty Hidayah
  16. Hanryano Yehezkiel Lethe Sarungallo
  17. Hudzaifah Abdussalam
  18. Indah Ardyanti Sagita
  19. Ivyana Dianti Anjani
  20. Joey Jereminio Samaranch
  21. Kautsar Algifari
  22. Larasati Dewi Ayu Lestari
  23. Lazuardi Miftahul Falah
  24. Mayanatela Putri
  25. Mirfahmi Rahman
  26. M. Ridho Artha
  27. M. Rezky Syaher Putra Utama
  28. M. Syauqi Nazhif
  29. Musyrifah Ratnasari
  30. Mutia Sabrina
  31. Nindya Alvionita
  32. Olga Arthaloka Bonita
  33. Ongky Kristanto Edward
  34. Raden Muhammad Suryokusumo
  35. Risty Riana Putri
  36. Selvya Octariani
  37. Sherynin Fifthianti
  38. Shinta Julia Restivananda
  39. Tiara Puspitasari
  40. Ulfah Hardiyani
  41. Untari
  42. Wisnu Mahardika Putera
Wish we can be everything just like what we want :)


Requiescant in Pace, Dina Noviandari

Dina Noviandari, one of my fellow at school, has just gone back to heaven as I believe she's a good person. She's died because of cancer on 22.40 in the night of june 1st 2010. I feel totally disappointed to know that I didn't be in the proper place to come to her funeral so I just pray for her from the distance. May peace and her goodness go with her to heaven. We all love you, but He loves you more than anyone on earth. Goodbye Dina, see you in another time :)