
Phobia 2 and us

jadi gue dan kalyzh serta nando has planned to watch something at blitzmegaplex teraskota. At first we just couldn't choose the movie we wanna watch. From Trailer Park of Terror and Carriers to Phobia2, FYI Trailer Park of Terror and Phobia 2 are horror movies. Carriers is a thriller movie. Finally we chose Phobia 2. From what I've known b4, Phobia and Phobia 2 are horror movies that really do scares us. I hate that kind of movie. But it's the final deal. We made it and watch it.

Nah sebelum review movie, gua cerita ya kronologisnya.
  1. gw berangkat ke Teraskota dan macet dijalan, panasnya luarbinasa rasanya kulitku meleleh. Nando masih menunggu mami yang belum pulang dari pertjentilannya. Kalyzh sudah otw saat gua meleleh tetapi gua dan kalyzh akhirnya tiba dengan selang waktu (t) = 60sekon.
  2. Sambil menunggu Nando yang masih menunggu mami kembali dari peraduannya, gua dan Kalyzh mencuba untuk beli tiket dulu, jadi kita naik ke atas (tidak efektif ya kalimatnya) dan mendapati bahwasanya Imperial Chef sudah berbenah dan nampaknya akan buka dalam waktu 1-2 bulan lagi. Setelah melewati mas mas tukang bangunan di Imperial Chef kami menatap nanar blitzmegaplex yang masih tutup. Dengan malu kami pun berjalan kembali turun dengan lift ke lantai 2.
  3. Setelah turun ke lantai 2, gua dan Kalyzh langsung melangkahkan kaki dengan riang gembira menuju Gramedia dan gua menitipkan tas. Setelah beberapa menit dan detik, Nando akhirnya muncul dan melihat gua sedang berpose dari balik kaca yang sudah diusapkan Cling sehingga bersih bening seperti tanpa kaca.
  4. Setelah Nando bergabung dengan gua dan Kalyzh, kita mulai mengautis seperti biasa kalau 2 atau 3 orang autis berkumpul dan mulai mengobrol maka dipastikan orang sekitarnya akan menjadi malu dan meninggalkan kami yang semakin berisik dalam keautisan kami.
  5. Setelah beberapa tawaan dan bahakan yang membahana di segenap penjuru Gramedia, emba emba Gramedia mulai merasakan ancaman yang datang dari kami bertiga dan berusaha mengusir kami. Karena malu, kami meninggalkan Gramedia dengan anggunnya namun betapa jahatnya Kalyzh dan Nando. Mereka meninggalkan saya sendirian di Gramedia untuk mengambil tas saya yang berisi buku-buku untuk les karena gua gamau rugi jadi langsung les dari Teraskota untuk menghemat biaya ongkos.
  6. Setelah gua mengambil tas dan menggabungkan diri bersama orang autis lainnya, kami menuruni eskalator dan dengan begitu bingungnya gua dan kalyzh ingin mencuba Coffee World.
  7. Saat kami memasuki Coffee World, emba embanya bilang bahwasanya mereka belum buka. Malu banget ga sih? Padahal kacanya sudah dilengkapi sticker Coffee World & Cream Fudge dan nampaknya sudah siap melayani pembeli rakus yang ingin mencuba seperti layaknya gua dan Kalyzh.
  8. Karena Coffee World belum buka, kami mengayunkan langkah menuju d'Flavy. Disana Nando menjadi lemot karena ga ngerti dengan apa yang dicakapkan pegawai d'Flavy tentang promonya. Karena gua dan Kalyzh ga mau rugi, kita ambil sendok dan mulai menggerogoti kefirnya Nando. Setelah puas mencuba kefirnya Nando, kita mulai bernarsis ria.
  9. Puas narsis di d'Flavy, kami berjalan dengan perlahan namun pasti menuju Bengawan Solo Coffee. Dalam perjalanan, kami menyempatkan diri untuk berfoto ria lagi di amphitheatre yang menurut Prof. DR. dr. Ir. Kalyzh S.Pd, M.Pd akan dibuat kolam ikan koi yang dapat dipakai berenang para balita yang lucu, imut, dan menggemaskan. Juga dalam perjalanan, gua bertanya pada Nando mengenai Kanji yang tertulis pada papan toko Aunty Li Kopitiam. Ternyata artinya adalah Toko Kopi (Kedai Kopi) Li (Lee).
  10. Sesampainya di Bengawan Solo Coffee, gua dan Kalyzh memesan kopi. Gua memesan Hot Flavored Milk rasa Hazelnut sementara Kalyzh memesan Iced Caffe Latte. Karena waktu yang sangat mendesak akhirnya kami membayar namun meninggalkan pesanan kami yang sedang dibuat oleh mas mas Bengawan Solo Coffee yang menurut Kalyzh cukup menawan hati.
  11. Kami keluar dari Bengawan Solo Coffee dengan langkah kaki yang lebar namun tetap menjaga keanggunan seperti layaknya selebritis-selebritis kelas dunia. Kami bertiga langsung menuju blitzmegaplex dan naik melalui eskalator yang masih nonaktif dengan penuh nafsu yang menggebu-gebu.
  12. Setelah memesan tiket menggunakan blitzcard, gua tak lupa melakukan topping-up saldo Blitzcard sebesar Rp.100.000,00 dan tanpa gua sadari, melakukan topping-up tersebut telah menguras saldo uang kartal gua menjadi hampir tidak cukup apabila tidak teringat akan hutang Kalyzh padaku saat daku membayarkannya Iced Caffe Latte.
  13. Kemudian kami menuju ke eskalator yang masih nonaktif dan segera menggerakkan tubuh ke Bengawan Solo Coffee untuk mengambil pesanan. Sesampainya di Bengawan Solo, kami menyempatkan diri untuk mengambil gambar sejenak.
  14. Karena waktu yang memepet dan memaksa kami memipihkan tenggat, kami pun bergegas kembali menuju ke Blitzmegaplex karena show akan segera dimulai. Kemudian karena tidak diperbolehkan membawa makanan dan minuman dari luar, saya dan Kalyzh menitipkan kopi kami di dalam tasnya nando. Sorry for the inconvenience, Nando.
  15. Nah kami pun memasuki Auditorium 1 dan menikmati Phobia 2. It's so wonderful, scary, and totally Autis in the end.
  16. udah ya segitu aja, gua lupa sih abis itu ngapain lagi


Regal Coffee - Mango Chinese Cuisine

Yesterday, september 10th, me and my mom went to Citos. I wanna go outside to study 'cos I can't study well in my house, usually I tend to wondering something unimportant or just surfing internet and forgot to study at last.

So I went to Citos at 7PM or so and arrived there around 8PM. The parking lot was full and it's hard just to find one. When me & my mom arrived there, the person my mom would meet hasn't arrived yet so we going around and reading some books at aksara bookstore, they have many A-list books.

After about an hour standing, we felt tired and decided to have a sit in a nearby coffee shop ('cos there r many coffee shops). At first my mom asked me to go into starbucks but I'm bored always having a cup of starbucks coffee, so we were finding another. We couldn't decide whether The Coffee Bean or Regal Coffee is the best. We got into The Coffee Bean first but my mom saw the patisseries there, she said it's too big and she wouldn't eat it. Then we tried Regal Coffee. We entered and ordered Frappe Caramel, Chocolate Truffles, and Caramello. In a short time, our order came and we tried it. Not bad but not the best I guess.

But just when I drank half of my frappe, the person who my mom would meet called and said that he has been in a nearby place of Citos. So we ate and drank our order 'till empty in about 5 minutes. hihi

So we met the person and we went to Mango Chinese Cuisine. I ordered Mapo Tahu ala Szechuan and FYI I ordered small amount of Mapo Tahu but their 'small' is medium-sized to me. I ate and studied History while eating 'cos the next day is the last day of school before holiday and I wanna make it better than my usual day, so I studied. I ate slowly and finished in about 2hours. The food is quite delicious and I love the Tahu. Of course money talks. Food in Mango Chinese Cuisine isn't as delicious as Crystal Jade's


I watched Bandslam at Blitzmegaplex Teraskota, and it's so disappointing. I paid the ticket via BlitzCard and went into the Auditorium.

At first, it looked like everything is okay. But suddenly in the middle of the movie screening, the sound system (Dolby Digital) went worse. I couldn't hear clearly what was the movie talked about.

Actually Bandslam itself is a nice movie. I like the way they talk and act, also will burton's band in Bandslam, I can't go on, I'll go on, plays nicely. They have full band, with its various kind of instruments. And I appreciate their show too, in Bandslam. They arrange a pop song into ska music less than 10 minutes. cool if it's real, huh?

That's for the film and now about the Blitzmegaplex. Before the movie started, they said that the cinema delivers Dolby Digital sound system, which must be a high quality sound system. But in fact, they often got worse in the middle on the movie, especially for the movie which is 'Exclusively on Blitzmegaplex'. Maybe it only happens at Teraskota, 'cos in another sites of Blitzmegaplex, it didn't happen and everything works well (include the sound).


Erasmus Huis 082909

Hell Yeah.
Since a week past I've ask my JHS friends to accompany me to watch Zoop in Zuid-Amerika (Zoo Rangers in South America) in Erasmus Huis but only 1 gave positive response.

Ok then it's ok if there's just the two of us, the most important thing is I'm not alone. So we caught a train to Sudirman and used Busway to Erasmus Huis. After we arrived at Sudirman train station, continued with Busway and we got into the Kuningan Timur shelter, then we walk to Erasmus Huis 'cos it's nearby the shelter.
Finally voila! we arrived at Erasmus Huis. When we take a look at the time, it's 12o'clock and we just had lunch in the cafe at Erasmus Huis. I ordered Hutspot Met Klapstruk and Pannekoek met Maple Stroop, both recipe was originally brought from Holland.

Hutspot met Klapstruk

My friend, Nando ordered Chicken Cordon Bleu and when he tasted a little piece of my Pannekoek, he said 'I want it too' and so he ordered Pannekoek but different from mine. He ordered Pannekoek with Cheese and Chocolate, doesn't sounds like originally Holland right? Yes, when he got his Pannekoek, he disappoint with it 'cos it tastes not as delicious as mine. hihi, poor u

Pannekoek with cheese and chocolate

When we finished our lunch, we take a look at an Exhibition which is to celebrate 200years of Charles Darwin and also 150years of his book publication. It was cool! There are many pictures of animals like Butterflies, Crocodiles, Birds, etc. And they held it professionally, everything was so total.

After we saw the exhibition, we move upstairs and saw the movie, FYI it's free. yay! The movie was cool. I like it. It's dutch movie with english subtitle.

When the movie ended, we explored the Erasmus Huis and it's such an amazing place to take photos. Different with another cultural centers in Jakarta, Erasmus Huis is more spacious and more modern (also more stylish)

cool place, huh?

That was such a cool day. I love it.


it's already 3 o'clock in the afternoon and I'm planning to watch cin(T)a, an Indonesian indie film.
FYI, I was woken up by my maid 'cos there was an 7.3SR earthquake. Fortunately my house is far away from the epicentrum.

I saw the clock and I prepared to go to Blitzmegaplex Teraskota, it's the closest to my place.
When I arrived at Teraskota, the megaplex was closed temporarily because of the earthquake and opened straightly. I purchased the ticket via BlitzCard and get into the Auditorium.

cin(T)a tells us about a love story between Cina and Annisa. They've different religion, Christian and Moslem. The movie have different angle but they can make it very artistic. Also there are a few short clips (about 10secs) in middle of the movie and again, they make it lovable for us, who watched it.

Cina and Annisa finally have different way of life. They can't continue their relationship because the difference of faith they have.

This movie takes different theme which is actually live in the society in Indonesia but only a few moviemakers have a bravery to take the theme about the different faith in a relation with love story. I love this movie. Guys, if you have plenty of time, just watch this movie in a closest Blitzmegaplex to you if u're in Indonesia

Zoop in Zuid-Amerika

This movie is about a Zoo Rangers, who wants to get a very rare butterfly cocoon back to its origin in Amazon. It's full of life and a bit funny. I love this movie, it's a dutch film and has english subtitle.

I watched it at Erasmus Huis, if u guys have Erasmus Huis nearby, u can ask them whether this movie has been screened or not.


Menteng area, Goethe Institut Indonesien, and Gondangdia Station


So we left Kafe Pisa, but our desire to take photos weren't fulfilled, so we done it in the outside area of Kafe Pisa (alfresco corner). It's quite beautiful there.

Then we decided to take a look at Goethe Institut Indonesien, at Sam Ratulangi st. and we walked (of course we walked) there. After the long, tired, painful, and bloody walk, finally we got it. Goethe Institut Indonesien. But poor us it didn't held anything at that time so we take a rest (sit, actually) there to erase our tiredness.

Then I saw Gondangdia Train Station, and some of my friends were having their lunch there. After everybody got full, we continue our journey to H O M E.

So we walked (daritadi jalan melulu) to Tugu Tani to catch a bus to Tanah Abang Station where our train stopped. And yes, we took some photos on our walk to Tugu Tani.

When we arrived at Tanah Abang, we paid our tickets and get into the train. Austin got her station first then the rest of us arrived at Serpong station. What a tired, inspirational journey. Hate it but Love it and also Love u guys

Kafe Pisa, F&B, and Be Kind Rewind

ok then, after about 3 months or so I've decided to open this blog and try to start blogging. hihi

Location: Kafe Pisa - Goethe Institut - Gondangdia Station , Menteng
Date: June, 6th 2009

howdy, actually I'm a bit late posting about this journey. Last night (june, 5th) I asked 7 friends to accompany me to watch 'Be Kind Rewind' at Kafe Pisa, Menteng. Some of them gave me positive signs, there were Kika, Titin, Latul, Faiz, and Adelia. Then I asked them to ask other friends to make it crowded.

Then tomorrow (june, 6th), I messaged them to make sure they would accompany me to Kafe Pisa. Kika replied me and said that she couldn't accompany me 'cos she got diare ;). So I go to school because we have agreed to meet there, but faiz and Adelia just go to the train station. Then I got 7 people there, Latul, Melisa, Titin, Sandy, Lidya, Mona, Dira. wew, it must be soo crowded then. When everybody's arrived, we went to the train station where faiz and adelia have waited long enough for us :). After paid the tickets, we got into the train and start our journey.

We used Ciujung train and got smelly sits but just sat there because there was no more sit available and chit chat along the way to Sudirman Train Station. After we arrived at sudirman station, we continued with Busway to Sarinah. After we arrived at sarinah, I asked them to eat first because there would be expensive eating at Kafe Pisa but they disagreed with me so we just walk to Kafe Pisa.

we walked happily from sarinah busway shelter to Kafe Pisa menteng and suddenly when we arrived there we entered the wrong door so we try another one. We entered with curiosity and gotcha, we was served well and I knew that it'd be charged but I didn't tell them just to make them realize it themselves.

When we saw the price for those F&Bs we were shocked. That I asked them to accompany me to watch Be Kind Rewind and said to my friends not to bring much money. Sorry guys!

So the range is from (in thousands rupiah) 30 to 50. As the one who brought my friends to the Kafe, I decided to order more than them. FYI me and my friends but Melisa ordered the same beverage, gelato called Cobbana. I thought they're so dumb 'cos with our number we could order almost all of the beverages there and just shared each other so we can try many kinds of their beverages.

But I knew too, that in the time of worrying money left, we can't think and act properly. I ordered Spaghetti Panchetta and Lychee tea besides Cobbana.

So we wait in worried about our money, and of course we went there to have fun so we just started to take photos, mainly from Faiz's camera, 'cos mine was running out of battery, stupid me not to charge it the night before.

When all of our order came, we try it and my Spaghetti tastes good, as with Cobbana. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Be Kind Rewind was started to be screened and some of us watch it and later Melisa and Faiz (they're the one who saw it precisely) told us that we should have stayed there 'till the film ended

So then after counting and sharing the receipt worth about 900(thousands) or so, we left Kafe Pisa and continued our journey