
Europe on Screen 081109

place: Goethe Haus, Jakarta

nah nah nah
At first, I'd like to go with my 10th grade classmates. but in some cases, they couldn't accompany me, so I go there with nando. We watched To Kanarini Podilato, a greek movie with english subtitle. It was a bit boring, and the movie was opened by a short movie, Detensi. The movie (To Kanarini Podilato) was about a student who fell pity on himself because he can't study and understand the school materials just like his friends do, and the story goes on. Here's some of my photos during my journey.


Anonymous said...

asik bgt xD kok lu bisa tau ada event bginian hans? kpn2 kl ada lg mo ikut dong xDDD lol

hanr said...

haha, oke deh. contact via twitter aja ya lbh real time